Alexandru Popescu, a storyteller
new release:
„Ecografie” (Ultrasound)
ARC Publishing House, 2024
“In this isolated land, transformed into a separatist enclave, there are dramas that keep “smouldering” over several generations. This is a legacy of a repressed identity that is still felt by the locals as a terror of history. The protagonists of this novel by Alexandru Popescu “Ecografie”, the aggressor, on the one hand, and the victim, on the other, are brought on the same stage, to face each other. It is love and the need to live next to a stronger half that bring these two together. The narrative gives us the opportunity to follow the modulations of the consciousness of the characters caught in the webs of love and hate, of death and life, in the convulsions of love and violence, of human suffering caused by identity fractures.”
Nadejda IVANOV, literary critic